October 22, 2009 journal, America is in shame for letting banks foreclose on homes. Shame on America for making people homeless and letting capitalism rule the roost. Social Security socialism is working pretty well if those capitalist thugs in Washington had not stolen its $2 trillion dollar reserve. O well, what's the difference in a fresh new 2 trillion dollars from the phony magic Federal Reserve to authorize it to be recreated and continue to pay the benefits until the whole house collapses in government sinking sand. If one-third of America lives on Medicare and Social Security then why not everybody. It took a black sheriff in Detroit to stop serving foreclosure & eviction papers on people. He rightfully said you have trashed our city and you are not going to continue doing that. The capitalist then threatened to have him put in jail for disobeying the court orders when he refused defying greedy capitalist's authority. No person has ever won over foreclosure. When you sign a mortgage you effectively sign over your home to the bank and become a part of their portfolio of wealth. The Master in Equity court is preprogrammed to take it. There is no mercy & no defense such as losing your job or illness in the family, you lose. Unless you have a lawyer willing to bring up a defense of rights or Truth in Lending Act. Why go to court when you know that the verdict is fixed already favoring the capitalist. All this suffering is caused for the sake of imaginary money that has no permanent value. In the early '70s we traveled the Pacific on a Pan-American 747 crowded with soldiers. They had all empty first-class seats and strapped a television set in one for all night while we suffered with the baby in seats you could not breathe in 7 hours until reaching U.S. territory island of Guam from Honolulu. Unconpassionate Pan-American is now history. It is the same greedy bastards using imaginary money to steal your property. It's the same elements at work today manifesting Antichrist and substituting Santa Claus. Michael Moore is really the first to point his finger in their face and to confront them with their crimes. Martin Luther after his posting in 1517 continued to speak out daily in press against the Pope which is credited with saving his life. Speaking out to the banks may be the only salvation for the debtors in this day and time. Put your credit rating on the altar. These capitalist we live under that run this country are performing more like Communist. They are actually in history the creators of communism from Edomite Khazarland Russia. There is a document in Michael Moore's movie created by the bankers which says they are in control to make profits and are only concerned that if the American people ever revolt. They put down the little revolution in the Chicago door factory by paying off the workers. Why vote if you know your vote is fixed or swayed by propaganda from Fox fixed news. The new president has for whatever purpose confronted the money lords on Wall Street. He has confronted Fox News with being an agent of the Republican Party being political. We must assume Fox is controlled by the FCC which grants their license's, therefore the government has control over their political bias and the responsibility to guard the truth. Grandstander Glen Beck on Fox is now saying "this show is not government approved." Keith Olberman on MSNBC the MSN network answered "it was approved under Bush". A lot more of the stimulus money got to the "dead peasants" than did the bailout money. It has always been said that Wall Street works with both Democrats and Republicans. In that case they are in control no matter who wins as they are now. Wall Street contributed to his campaign the same as they did the Republicans so they would have control of either party. Then why is he opposing the NYSE corporate health insurance profit monopoly? The public option of Medicare for everyone so nobody can be denied coverage is directly against the capitalistic oppressive profit system. Most all Congressmen have taken money from the health insurance industry for their campaigns & maybe other things all crooked. The most courageous in history of any president black or white is to buck the neocons in the Illuminati universal money system, to my knowledge it has never been done before. Bloodthirsty Dick Cheney is demanding 40,000 more troops be sacrificed in Afghanistan. It is a funny thing that I being an anti-abortion conservative, yet I do agree with most all this president has done but if I were president I would go by the Ron Paul formula to bring all of our troops home from all over the world and become an isolationist putting people back to work and stop threatening the world. I would sign some presidential orders first to abolish the Federal Reserve international banking swindlers of 1913. I would not bailout a single bank and no one would be too big to fail in all the corporate world. If we want to do what is right we could give this country back to the Indians and go back to where we came from the old country if Britain has stop persecuting Christians. What is happening in all the confusion is the judgments of God dividing our language and ending this dollar god driven evil empire of world domination having defied the real God. For those knowing the Bible this is no surprise because it is clearly predicted to happen. I am not about to approve of all this administration is doing but I look at each situation. Otherwise, if we criticize everything then we lose our credibility to criticize anything. The FDIC is paying the difference between what a bank is owed including accrued interest and then what they sell a property for if they lose and guess who pays ultimately, the tax-payer of course no matter how much the losses are, those banks are not losing a penny. The function of the Federal Reserve is to turn paper into gold and been doing it 96 years. If you don't believe the Federal Reserve has a magic trick to turn paper into gold just try taking some of the paper fiat money labeled with Federal Reserve debt notes and buy you some gold with it. You will see they turn paper into gold now at 1200 dollars per ounce. Although it is up a bit from $35 per ounce 50 years ago when the dollar was backed by gold. The dollar is today backed by oil only because our manufacturing base is depleted. The Federal Reserve's magic power is limited to blood brothers taking their blood oath. It is not extended to us common folks known to the corporate elitist as dead peasants. It is not extended to the gentile race goyin (cattle) outside of the Wall Street community. Short of another awful holocaust common folks will be poor, hungry and in their slavery. We're all subjects of Wall Street with a skew number having our names in capital letters. Until the coming of the Lord God Almighty to remove all evil from the face of the earth.